
Supplier Terms and Conditions

JC Global Inc d.b.a Freedom Sales

Terms & Conditions of Sale

As set forth in Freedom USA terms, without limitation, seller agrees to the following:

1. Product must be guaranteed to be new (unused), in original manufacturer packaging and free from any and all defects.

2. All product must be shipped using ESD compliant packaging standards (if applicable).

3. All product stated above must be the original manufacturer’s product and must conform to the manufacturer’s listed specifications and contain all original part number markings and codes. Certificate of Conformance is required for all items listed above.

4. PRODUCT GUARANTEE: Product will be guaranteed electrically, form, fit and function. 

5. This transmittal is intended exclusively for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed, and may be protected from disclosure under applicable state and or federal law.   If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copy of this communication is strictly prohibited.   If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately and destroy the original message.

6. All component products must be contained in the original manufacturer’s packaging. All parts must be new, unused, and in excellent condition.   Refurbished parts, programmed parts, parts with bent, formed or oxidized leads, test dots or test marking will be rejected.

7. All product must have date codes no later than 18 months old unless otherwise specified above.

8. All programmable devices must be free of any previous programming.

9. Seller agrees to notify Freedom USA if seller is unable to meet any of the Purchase Order requirements specified above including but not limited to any change in quantity, part number, manufacture and/or delivery date, otherwise Freedom USA reserves the right refuse delivery and/or return merchandise parcel collect.   All changes must be authorized by Freedom USA prior to shipping.

10. In addition to its standard warranty, seller warrants that all goods are free from defect and are of good and merchantable quality, otherwise Freedom USA may choose to reject merchandise for a full refund or replace merchandise with conforming goods.

11. Freedom USA reserves the right to inspect seller’s records for a period of 15 years on all Freedom USA’s orders.

12. Unless otherwise stated on this Purchase Order, mixed date codes contained within individual reels, cut tape or tubes will not be accepted.

13. All parts supplied by Seller must meet original manufacturer’s specifications for fit/form/function for a minimum of 60 days.

14. There is no warranty time limit for product found to be counterfeit.

15. No substitutions or changes allowed without prior written approval from Freedom USA.

16. Freedom USA reserves the right to cancel this order if shipment does not conform to the quantities, delivery method or delivery date indicated on this Purchase Order.

17. The purchase order number must appear on all boxes, packing slips and invoices.

18. Do not insure this shipment, Freedom USA has its own insurance. Binder available upon request.

19. ESD sensitive items are to be handled and shipped in accordance to an ESD Program, with a preference for ANSI/ESD S20.20.

20. Counterfeit / Suspect Parts Policy: Freedom USA reserves the right to seize and quarantine any/all suspected counterfeit products it receives from seller on this purchase order.   Suspect counterfeit products may be forwarded to the IP holder (Original Component Mfg.) and/ or the appropriate Federal/State authorities for final analysis, possible confiscation and/or destruction.   If products furnished by the Seller are determined to be counterfeit, Seller agrees to reimburse Freedom USA the full purchase price paid as well as any shipping or 3rd party testing charges that may have been incurred by Freedom USA.

21. Freedom USA defines Counterfeit/Suspect electronic parts follows:

  • (a). Substitutes or unauthorized copies of a product.
  • (b). A product as defined by the manufacturer’s part number identification, date code and manufacturer’s identification (logo, trademark) in which the materials used or the performance of the products has changed without notice by someone other than the manufacturer.
  • (c). A substandard component misrepresented by the supplier.
  • (d). Products that have been re-topped (Coating) remarked or altered.




24. The processes, products, and services to be provided including the identification of relevant technical data (e.g., specifications, drawings, process requirements, work instructions);

The approval of:

  • (a)Products and Services;
  • (b)Methods, Processes, & Equipment;
  • (c)The release of Products & Services;

25. Competence, including any required qualification of persons;

26. The external providers’ interactions with the organization;

27. Control and monitoring of the external providers’ performance to be applied by the organization;

28. Verification or validation activities that the organization, or its customer, intends to perform at the external providers’ premises;

29. Test, inspection, and verification (including production process verification);

30. The use of statistical techniques for product acceptance and related instructions for acceptance by the organization;

31. The need to:

  • (a)Implement a quality management system;
  • (b)Use customer-designated or approved external providers, including process sources (e.g., special processes);
  • (c)Notify the organization of nonconforming processes, products, or services and obtain approval for their disposition;
  • (d)Prevent the use of suspect unapproved, unapproved and counterfeit parts (see 8.1.4);
  • (e)Notify the organization of changes to processes, products, or services, including changes of their external providers or location of manufacture, and obtain the organization’s approval;
  • (f)Flow down to external providers applicable requirements including customer requirements;
  • (g)Provide test specimens for design approval, inspection/verification, investigation, or auditing;
  • (h)Retain documented information, including retention periods and disposition requirements;

32. The right of access by the organization, their customer, and regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of facilities and to applicable documented information, at any level of the supply chain;

33. Ensuring that persons are aware of:

  • (a)Their contribution to product or service conformity;
  • (b)Their contribution to product safety;
  • (c)The importance of ethical behavior.

1. Freedom USA reserves the right to inspect Value-Add Service Providers’ records. Value-Add Service Sub-Contractors are to maintain written records that can be inspected by Freedom USA for at least 3 years for commercial products and 5 years for military products.

2. Value-Add Service Providers handling electronic components are required to handle orders in accordance with JESD625 or ANSI/ESD S20.20.

3. Value-Add Service Providers are required to maintain a calibration system in conformance with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1.

4. Value-Add Service Providers are required to maintain a system to identify the person(s) performing value-added processing operations.

5. Value-Add Service Providers are required to train the people performing activities affecting product quality and to maintain these records.

(REV. 12/2023)

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